Tuesday 8 July 2008

CASA SUBANG - My new temporary home in Subang Jaya

Okay~! Here's the post we've been all been waiting for. The bragging of my living place in West Malaysia shall finally begin!!!

On the 5th July 2007 (Sophia's birthday! Can't resist to scream that one out! xP), I registered myself at Taylor's and joined in on the redundant briefing. I was surrounded by 74 other JPA law students and 55 accounting students. The atmosphere was incredible- well, being surrounded by so many smart people DOES make me feel a wee bit inferior. O.O

Anyway, nothing much to talk about the briefing. Let's move on to the moving into the apartment part. *eager eager*

I shall start by mentioning that the management was terrible. Can you imagine, more than a hundred students plus their families who were with them were about to move in and there were bloody hell only FOUR elevators????!!!!!! Besides that, ONE elevator was not functioning.

Also, a lot were using trolleys (yes, trolleys abducted from Mydin's carpark which is just outside our apartment) to carry their stuff. I was one of them. I'm not ashamed to admit that. The luggage were heavy, okay? If you have any way to pack all your stuff into ONE luggage for a long time away from home, call me. And don't tell me to buy my stuff in KL as a short cut. We must save money~!!! What's with the petrol price increase and high standard of living in KL...

My parents, cousin Nick and I waited for more than an hour and close to two for our turn. But we gave up waiting. Dad, Nick and I carried most of my stuff SEVEN FLOORS up the stairs to my room. My mum waited for the lift to carry the big box up. Impossible to lift that one so far up... A lady from the hostel management told parents off from using trolley while we were not around. My mum was quite pissed. The second time she did that, boy, did my mum snap at her. I wished I was there to see it!!!!! Darn! I heard it from my dad anyway.

See, my mum was FURIOUS that the management told them off from using the trolleys only when it was at the end of the line. She blasted the lady and questioned her why did she not do so earlier, then the traffic to the lifts would have been faster. There was no point saying they can't use trolleys now when there were only a few more students left. Other parents also complaint and bombed the lady. HAHA! In your face, whoever you are. You deserve the scolding from my mum. Inefficient people who caused us so much time...

This is just an image of how many people were there. And this is only the girls line. Not including the guys...

But wow oh wow, when I saw the facilities and my unit, I.Was.Speechless. It way exceeds my expectation. Who would ever thought that I would have a swimming pool, a beautiful park, a volley ball court, a basketball court, shops, laundry service (it's not free..) and even a hair salon in Casa Subang?

Front view

The swimming pool~!
The park~!

That's not all...! Welcome to my unit!
A photo of my unit from the entrance

That's the dining table. photo taken from the living room.

La kitchen!!!

The balcony leading out from the kitchen.

My bedroom. =)

I'm to share my unit with six other people. I haven't met my unit-mates yet. We're starting Orientation next Monday. I guess everyone's in KL, enjoying the last of our holidays. I'm also staying over at my cousin's place. No point staying alone there. My wifi is not installed yet though I appreciate the water heater there... lolz I'll definitely make a report on my unit-mates when I get to know them. xP


Sophia said...


SoRCièRe dE TeMPs said...

Hey, that's so lucky of you to have such pretty apartment. If I were you, I would swim everyday. XP Can't help that I am literally a pisces. Haha!

Yamashita Reina said...

Soph - Err... what? Casanova???

Sorciere de temps - I avoid the swimming pool though it's pretty. Bad experiences with swimming pools. Leos... = =