Sunday 29 June 2008

Farewell gathering~!

Ah, well, I'll be leaving home this coming Friday and so, my *lovely* family decided to throw a little gathering/party for me. Most of the visitors are church friends. Wait... they're ALL church friends. Don't ask. Two of my good, gooder, goodest (excuse me, it's technically *best* la) friends, Larry and Daniel are already in West M'sia. So, don't really have the mood to like call school friends over.

Anyway, I really gotta thank my mum for her splendid food! Thanks mum! I think I'll miss your cooking skills more than your nagging self when I'm not home. XD

Also thanking:

Aunt Anna- for your infinitely delicious pudding. No one can make better pudding than YOU!!!
Matthias- for your err... I dunno how to spell that dish you cooked up. Was it Porv Rice? In any case, it was really good!!! Could never cook like you. haha

My family also ordered a few dishes from this restaurant called The Chef (I think!). The food were undeniably yummy but I was really annoyed that my mum and I had to wait longer than expected for the catered food. Told us to collect the food at 5 in the evening. Ended up waiting extra half an hour. Wanted to blast the kitchen already. Yesh! I'm VERY impatient! And goodness! We ordered RM20 for japanese tofu and there were barely ten pieces of them miserable tofu when we opened the polystyrene box at home. DAYLIGHT ROBBERY!

But the gathering went smooth and well. Everyone had a great time. I know I did. Hehe Thanks, Lily and Theresa, for the chocolates!

Wished my close friends from school were here though... Already missing my friends. *sobs*

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