Friday 20 February 2009

Honestly, I can’t accept you as the way you are.

Anyone one who has made contact with me recently face to face would know how much I have come to dislike my once-upon-a-time favourite subject, English. Out of frustration, I am declaring that. Yes.

I hate English.

It has turned into a subject I dread so much that I have thoughts of skipping the lesson every day during the period prior to English.

Perhaps it is by my own fault that I'm doing horribly in my English assignments. I can't find the enthusiasm or initiative to carry it out. It is not a labour of love, a total opposite from my Legal Studies CPT. Also; perhaps for the fact that I do not complete my task whole-heartedly, I make mistakes I would never have dreamed of making previously.

I'm going nineteen. This, in my own mind, occurs to me as childish too but it is happening. I am taking it out on a subject because of the lecturer. Back in form one, I had a terrible teacher for Geography. My results, of course, plunged for the subject because I refused to study for the subject.

Who would have thought I would one day rebel against my first language (Yes, I learnt English first before Mandarin when I was small)?

I am sorry but I cannot adapt to your teaching methods, your often annoying remarks, your unreasonable demands (like making sure all four sides of the paper must be of a space of an inch), your frustrating criticisms which are not constructive (you tell me the way I express a sentence is wrong but you never bother to tell me how I should correct it! Ordering me to go look it up in the dictionary is NOT helpful at all because the dictionary offers the definition of words and does NOT necessarily instruct you on how to use it in varying sentences!), etc.

It is a sad thing when you have your least favourite lecturer as your class mentor because you have NO class mentor to lament to.

Why make life so miserable for others? Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.

I do not know how to please you. I attempted to convince myself that you do all these for our welfare but it was futile. I just cannot accept you the way you are.

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